Com a expansão do registro de literatura gris (literatura não convencional) na área de RHS na América Latina e Caribe, este espaço foi criado para acesso rápido a publicações de interesse da Rede de Observatórios de Recursos Humanos em Saúde, onde você encontrará relatórios, guias, políticas e outras publicações técnicas e científicas com a possibilidade de utilizar filtros por tópico, ano de publicação, país, idioma, entre outros.


Interface de busca que permite a recuperação de documentos indexados do Repositório de Recursos Humanos em Saúde.

Resultados: 13

CE162/25: PASB human resources management

This report highlights human resources initiatives taken in 2017, including advances made in the implementation of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB) human resources strategy known as the “People Strategy” for 2015-2019, 1 and provides statistics on trends in the workforce of PASB. (AU)...

CE162/24: Update amendments to the PASB Staff Regulations and Rules

Introduction 1. The Staff Regulations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB) may be supplemented or amended by the Directing Council or the Pan American Sanitary Conference of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) pursuant to Staff Regulation 12.1. 2. In accordance with Staff Rule 020, the Staf...

Recent developments in public health nursing in the Americas

This study presents an assessment of the participation and training of nurses in public health areas in the Americas. Information was gathered through a literature review and interviews with key informants from Mexico, Colombia, and Paraguay. Results demonstrate that there is significant variation in def...

CE160//18: Strategy on human resources for universal access to health and universal health coverage

The countries of the Region of the Americas recently reaffirmed their commitment to universal access to health and universal health coverage. They recognize that despite progress made in economic and social development and in strengthening health systems, there are still inequities and exclusion in acces...

Self-assessment of the human resources for health planning process. Work book

In connection with the 10th meeting of the Technical Commission for Human Resources Development in Central America and the Dominican Republic, a three-day workshop was held to help identify the current situation in each country regarding the human resource planning process and capacity-building to measur...

Collaborative HHR planning: Advancing the evidence-base a workshop on data and modeling for effective HHR planning

On March 24th and 25th, 2009, a Health and Human Resource (HHR) Modeling Workshop was held in Vancouver, British Columbia to review HHR planning projects and successes, identify priority evidence and related gaps and challenges, and propose and prioritize realistic, actionable solutions to these gaps and...

Human resources for health in Africa: experience, challenges and realities. Meeting report

This conference on Human Resources for Health (HRH), which was organized by the Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA) and supported by the French cooperation system (French Agency for Development, AFD, and the French Foreign Ministry MAE), brought together representatives of 18 French- and Spanish-spea...

CD52.R13: Recursos humanos para la salud: aumentar el acceso el personal sanitario capacitado en sistemas de salud basados en la atención primaria de salud. Resolución

El documento expresa la resolución luego de haber examinado el documento de política Recursos humanos para la salud: aumentar el acceso al personal sanitario capacitado en sistemas de salud basados en la atención primaria de salud (documento CD52/6); reconociendo la importancia estratégica de los rec...

Health human resources modelling: challenging the past, creating the future

Three separate but related projects were undertaken to link population health needs to health human resource planning, to illustrate the value and challenges in using health human resource data to inform policy decisions on nursing productivity and to generate evidence based retention policies to guide n...

Human resources for health in Europe

Human resources are key determinants of health service performance. They are the largest and most expensive input into health care, yet can be the most challenging to develop. This book examines some of these major challenges facing health care professions in Europe and the potential responses to them. T...